Cúpla Ceisteanna with the Cast & Crew!

Q&A With The Cast!

Hello all! We're almost officially ONE WEEK to showtime and it's all happening here at D&G HQ! Join us for an exclusive, fun Q&A session with our lovely Cast and Crew! Our tickets are on sale at https://www.eventbrite.ie/d/ireland--galway/diarmuid-and-grainne/ 

Interviewer: What is the one item you think Aonghus would definitely have on a desert island? Just one, now!

(Julie) Aonghus: A bobby pin or a carrier pigeon!

Interviewer: You’re a stage manager. That sounds very rewarding but also a little stressful! Tell me about some of the highs and lows of the role.

(Grainne Sheehan) Stage Manager:

Well, I have been very lucky to be working with such a fantastic set of people for my first stint as stage manager. I suppose the lows are the typical lows, we have a room full of college students who are still college students so there has been some energy dips, some missing props but that’s all in a day. I am a highly organised person so I suppose the high for me is just me staying on top of my job. But we have a large show and a larger cast, something that stage managers approach with a bit of trepidation but I have no doubt my class will pull me through.

Interviewer: If the bank clerk was a star sign epitomised, what do you think he’d be?

 Bank Clerk (Sinéad Ryan) - Oh, definitely a Capricorn.

Interviewer: Hi Muadhán! What do you think Muadhán buys in the weekly grocery shop? 

(MuadhánGrainne Sheehan)Well, a couple instant noodles, he is not a well-paid man. A few cans, sure look, he still has to live. Lyons Tea, the correct tea and then after that it’s anyone’s guess.

Interviewer: Rachel, you're also a stage manager for the production. What is the most rewarding part of your role? 

Rachel: When things start to come together and getting a scene fully completed. Seeing it come to life is amazing!

 Interviewer: Anna, tell me a bit about why you chose Movement as one of your areas for Diarmuid & Gráinne? 

Anna: I've been dancing since I was three, it's a very physical play so I think the incorporation of movement is vital, especially as it's so fast paced. And it's fun!

Interviewer: Yourself and Georgina worked on sound design! I guess you could say you're two "sound" ladies! What inspired the soundtrack? 

Mikaela: Definitely the original Paul Mercier production, so that's where we got the trad music from, but also a bit of Billie Eilish and 80's techno to update it a bit!

 That's it for this week! We're counting down the days!

All the best, 
The Cast & Crew. 


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