All Together Now! Enacting the Ensemble in Diarmuid and Gráinne.
Welcome back, everyone! Is week seven really upon us? This week we’re exploring the ensemble and how, without it, we would be staging a radically different Diarmuid and Gráinne to its current manifesto. You may be thinking, “wait, what is this ensemble thing anyway?”, and we know it can be confusing to give it a concrete definition, which is why we have some definitions from the professionals to clear things up, but here’s one of our favourites! The ensemble conjures the image of a group of people who share experiences, breathe and feel together. And we’re confident that this is an apt way of describing our own ensemble here at D&G HQ! Sound simple? Not quite. The finished product of an ensemble can appear so exquisitely polished and perfect, but Rome wasn’t built in a day, and neither was our talented ensemble. The group spent weeks of team-building warm ups before even one step of choreography co...